Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Boxing Day

Here are some pictures of the Christmas Day blizzard as it looks the day after. The wind has died down and we felt it might be worthwhile now to move the monster drift out of the way so we can eventually back the car out of the garage. That will have to wait, though, till we can get rid of the bigger drift at the far end of the drive. We'll have to wait till the snowplows get finished with the road. Maybe we'll be lucky and they'll move part of it for us.

This snow managed to insinuate itself everywhere. The pickup was parked outside, and this is what we saw when we opened the hood.

This is the drift created by the Forsythia bush south of the house. This picture hardly does it justice.

The sun barely pierces the cloud cover and the view to the southeast is really beautiful today. (You can click any of these images and see a bigger view.)

Here's Susan working on a snow angel.

...and the result.

The nice thing about ugly weather is that afterwards it's beautiful.